The 858 "Yiwu · China Small Commodity Index" weekly price index comments

Publishing Time:2024-06-11 10:43:26Pageviews:21


According to the latest monitoring data, the "Yiwu · China Small Commodity Index" small and medium-sized commodity weekly price index was 101.71 points this week, up 0.19 points from the previous month, and the online trading price index, export trading price index, direct trading price index and order trading price index rose 0.94 points, 0.26 points, 0.21 points and 0.08 points respectively.


The recent rain weather is more, in mid-June will enter the rainy season, dryers, umbrellas, raincoats and other rain moisture-proof supplies due to the increase in rain sales, disposable supplies such as disposable underwear and socks because of its convenience sales, reusable waterproof shoes cover has become a new favorite of consumers. This week is the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, before and after the festival held nearly a thousand dragon boat races nationwide, cultural and creative fairs, Hanfu tour and other activities rapidly increased the popularity of the sales of related cultural and creative products. Such as Dragon Boat Festival sachets, wormwood flower bouquet, Zongzi baby pendants and other related products sales performance is good, the number of orders increased, and the consumption hotspot is more concentrated. Paris Olympic Games opening in July, sporting goods continue to heat up, all kinds of events surrounding products, mainly sold to France, Italy, Spain and other European countries, business production and sales of two prosperous, according to statistics, there are more than 100,000 events scarf sent to Europe. In June, Yiwu will hold four exhibitions, namely stationery exhibition, sporting goods exhibition, home Expo, kitchen and bathroom exhibition. It is expected that the exhibition will attract a large number of people and increase the behavior of ordering samples.


15 categories of price index 10 rose and 5 fell, sports and entertainment supplies, hardware and electrical materials, luggage, crafts, footwear, daily necessities, watches and glasses, jewelry, accessories and packaging, needles and textiles category 10 categories rose, the largest increase of 1.6 points; Cultural office supplies, electronic appliances, care and beauty supplies, toys and clothing fell in five categories, with the largest drop of 0.72 points. Among the 97 secondary categories, 30% rose, 35% fell and 35% remained flat.

—— The content of this article is translated by Al ——